FGO attends 2016 Home Delivery World in Atlanta, Ga

     FGO was very excited to attend the Home Delivery World conference in Atlanta on March 30 and 31st. What an amazing learning experience for our company! We cannot thank the folks that stopped by our booth enough as any opportunity to discuss our business is always time well spent. We could not have picked a better venue or better people to work with on our first foray into marketing our company on a larger scale. The folks at Terrapin did a wonderful job pulling everything together and were extremely helpful throughout the event. 

     To our current customers that were on site we really appreciate your business and are excited about our combined futures. To those folks that we just met please feel free to reach out to us to discuss potential solutions to your needs at any time. 

     Representing FGO at the conference were Fernando Garcia, Viviana Cadme, Josh Daniels, and Zever Sipley.